Monday, September 30, 2019

Organisational Behaviour †Personalities Essay

Organisation : a group of people working towards the same goal. Human Resource Management : a function in organisations designed to maximise employee performance in service of their employer’s strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with how people are managed within organisations, focusing on policies and systems. Organisational Behaviour : studies the impact individuals, groups, and structures have on human behaviour within organisations. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, communication, and management. The companies which interest people do better financially. Exercise 1 – Knowing Yourself Who am I: creative, worried, thoughtful, planner, enthusiastic Personality and Individual Differences: Nature and Nurture Fixed in the short run Particularly salient in â€Å"weak† situations Organisational Personality Why is Personality needed? For recruiters to see what individual is needed for a jon To see what careers are better for us To manage employees to understand their natural capabilities and where they will find most satisfaction Personality at work: Fundamental personality traits, the Big 5: Openness to Experience Conscientiousness Extraversion – Introversion Agreeableness Neuroticism – Emotional Stability Individual Differences (Affectivity, EQ, Type A/B) Openness to Experience: OE has implications for peiple’s willingness to be original and take risks. It is essential during change, jobs involving risk, and oriented towards innovation Conscientiousness: Strong link between this and performance. Is it a limiting factor at work? Is it ever beneficial to break the rules at work? Extraversion: have a greater tendency to experience positive emotional states. They outperform introverts in managerial and sales jobs. Good for jobs involving frequent social interaction. Agreeableness: No clear research between agreeableness and performance. A low agreeableness may be an advantage in certain jobs, a higher agreeableness may be helpful for a team player. Neuroticism: Link to performance is unclear, however this is not necessarily bad. It is linked to negative affectivity. At work, they may be more critic of their own work, and may be more persistent in work. CORRELATIONS Emotional Intelligence (EQ) – the extent to which an individual understands and can relate to him/her-self and others (Goleman, 1998). The ability to recognize and regulate our own emotions The ability to recognize and influence others’ emotions Social Skill: The skills we use to communicate and interact with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language and our personal appearance. Managing relationships to move people in desirable directions. Can be developed through motivation, practice and feedback. Can only be learned with desire and concerned effort. Be in a social environment, feel comfortable.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Invasion or Settlement

Invasion or settlement? This question has been asked and debated by many people over the past century. After studying this question over the past few weeks I agree to a large extent that it was an invasion by the Europeans. They stole the aboriginals land, rights and brought over deceases guns and other bad things, they killed a large portion of these aboriginals for no explainable reason and they also kidnapped their children in the attempt to extinct the blackness out of the native Australian people.In 1788 before the first fleet arrived there were over 500 Aboriginal tribes or nations in Australia all in which had efficient and sustainable systems for living off the land. They achieved a balanced diet by hunting and gathering, they moved seasonally between camps depending on food supplies, had very sophisticated social relationships and trading links across Australia. This was all taken away from them without notice by the British invaders.In 1770 captain cook declared Australia t o be ‘terra nullius’ meaning ‘no man’s land’ or ‘land belonging to no-one’ so that he could claim Australia to Brittan. When the first fleet arrived in 1788 the aboriginal people had no idea what was going on and they believed the British people to be ‘ghosts’, because they had never seen white people before. The aboriginals were kind and friendly to the British because they thought they were just visitors, but little did they know that 200 years down the track those ‘ghosts’ would have taken over the whole country.Contact between the locals and the Europeans was disastrous for the Aboriginal people, they brought diseases such as smallpox, colds, the flu and measles, these were fatal as the indigenous Australians had no resistance to such introduced diseases, so therefore these diseases plagued native populations. The Brittan population that were living in Australia at the time would take whatever land they like d pushing away all the aboriginals using forceful weapons which the indigenous people had never seen before.Imagine if tomorrow people that you have never seen before came to your house and kicked you out and if you did not obey the rules you would get shot, It wouldn’t be very nice would it, and you would defiantly feel like someone had just ‘invaded’ your home. John Batman in 1834 claimed to have made an agreement to buy 200,000 hectares of land off aboriginal people in exchange of money and various items, but this agreement was dismissed by the government because they believed the aboriginal people who had been there for over 100,000 years did not own the land and it was ow all owned by the British. The peaceful way of life for the local Aboriginals quickly turned into a nightmare of war, dispossession, displacement and massacres. As soon as the British arrived into Australia they had no respect for the indigenous people and all they wanted to do was extinct t he Aboriginal race and steal their land in which had been the Aboriginal’s. There got to a stage where the aboriginals stood up for themselves and try to hold their ground and this is when majority of the brutal and disturbing massacres happened.There were laws given out by the European government saying that if you see an unarmed aboriginal you have the right to shoot and kill them. One of the most famous aboriginal massacres that happened was the Myall Creek massacre after reading this I found this to be very disturbing and unbelievable. In 1888 there was around about 50 aboriginals that had moved into the Myall Creek station from an invitation from a Stockmen, after the indigenous heard that there were armed stockmen on the way to Myall creek they walked back as fast as they could, but it was already too late.Ten armed stockmen led by john Fleming were already galloping towards the huts of Myall Creek station where the remaining aboriginal people were preparing for their e vening meal. The stockmen herded the defenceless Aboriginal people together and tied their hands together with a long rope. Only two young boys escaped. Within twenty minutes of their captured all of them. About 800 metres from the huts the defenceless Aboriginal people were hacked and slashed to death. They were beheaded and their headless bodies were left where they fell.The stockmen then set up camp, drinking and bragging about their killings. Not only did the Europeans take the aboriginals land and kill them for no reason they also kidnapped their children. Children were forcibly removed from indigenous Australians as young as possible for the immediate purpose of raising them separately from and oblivious of their culture and people, and for the ultimate purposes of suppressing any distinct Aboriginal culture, thereby ending the existence of the Aborigines as a distinct people.The government of Australia established a board called Aborigines Protection Board (APB) in 1909, this was when the removal policy was made that they have the power and permission to remove children without parental consent and without a court order. Children were stolen from their family so they could be brought up ‘white’ and taught to reject the aboriginality. No-one knows how many children were taken during the time between 1909 right up to 1969 as most records have been lost or destroyed.Many parents whose children were taken never saw them again, and siblings who were taken were deliberately separated so in a matter of days these young kids would have lost everything. Today many Aboriginal people still do not know about whom their relatives are or who they are. Still to this day the devastating episode called â€Å" the stolen generation† affect many aboriginal’s as some of them are as young’s as their 40s and 50s and they still don’t know who their parents, siblings, grandparents are and they don’t even know where they came from , where they were born or were they belong.Nothing good came out of this experiment as majority of indigenous people who were removed suffered life-long negative consequences for example people who were members of the stolen generation are more likely to suffer from depression, have worse health and a shorter life span than other indigenous people. For example in the movie Rabbit Proof Fence where the girls are forcibly removed from their parents and loved ones without any good byes not knowing whether or not they will ever see each other again. Also at the end when Molly and Daisy are talking they say that they never saw Gracie again.As my points have clearly stated the Europeans invaded Australia, and not only did they invade the Aboriginal’s land they took nearly everything off them, such as freedom, family, friends, homes, health and many more things that were working perfectly fine before the British people came. I am disgusted and astonished about how the Aboriginals we re treated by the Europeans. Bibliography Saldais, M & Jackson, L. (2007). Humanities alive history 2 level 6 for Victorian essential learning standards. John Wiley & Sons Australia ltd, Milton QLD. [Accessed 2 August, 2012] Noyce, P. (20020.Rabbit proof fence [Internet]. Rumbalara Films, Moore Park NSW Available from : [Accessed 2 August, 2012] Nolan, M. (2007). Stolen Generations Fact sheet [internet]. Reconciliaction, NSW. http://reconciliaction. org. au/nsw/about-reconciliaction [Thursday, 9 August 2012] Docker, J. (2010) Aboriginal history [internet]. Australian History inc, ACT. http://www. aboriginalhistory. org/ [ accessed Tuesday, 13 August 12] Watts, D. (2008) A Brief Australian History [internet]. Aboriginal Heritage Office, NT. http://www. aboriginalheritage. org/history/history/ [ accessed Tuesday, 13th August 12]

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What Men Live By. Human existence in the world Essay

What Men Live By. Human existence in the world - Essay Example Our education and experience are the foremost factors governing our intellectual development and forming our unique attitude towards the world and other people. As the essential component of personal introspection, expanding the exalted tendency of human mind, the philosophical thesis, what men live by, never loses its topicality. The most outstanding examination of the subject, revealing the intensity of philosophical thought, was represented by the Russian Literature. Distinctive in its shape and unique in the diversity of its content, the Russian Literature always attracts readership with its lofty aspiring.  Particularly, the most genial reflection of the belief in the exclusive spiritual mission of a human being refers to the samples of the Russian literature of the XIX century.  ... olution had been maturing in Russia throughout the XIX century.  The best examples of the Russian literature and art came into being on the crest of the democratic upsurge. They reflected the wrath of the oppressed serfs and poor folk indirectly or, sometimes, even directly.  Literature played the leading role in the development of innovative ideas and political movements. It was the only sphere of social life that was able to express the progressive thought vigorously.   Despite of the raging censorship (in the reign of Nicolai I Russia was considered as a police state in general), the XIX century was called as the "Golden age" of the Russian Literature.  Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and many other famous writers and poets created that time.  The Russian literature expanded  amazingly and brightly in the XIX century, taking one of the first places in European culture.  The philosophical reflection of inner quest and the meaning of moral values in hu man life were the inevitable result of the social contradictions, which found response in the minds of the most progressive part of the Russian intelligentsia of the XIX century. The great Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910), who put the thesis What man live by in the title of his story, occupies the distinguished place among the leaders of the world culture.  Tolstoy came from the highest nobility, but he refused the title and acted as the spokesman, who expressed the indignation of Russian peasants. After reading Tolstoy's What men live by, there are ambivalent feelings. It seems a bit unusual that  being the representative of critical realism in literature, suddenly, the writer took the position of a preacher composing the story. Created mostly for folk’s reading and absorbed all of the beauty

Friday, September 27, 2019

Non-Traditional courses Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Non-Traditional courses - Term Paper Example Non-Traditional courses Nontraditional courses are slowly finding their way in the curriculum of various colleges and universities. Students get a formal scholarly education, for instance, on rock music, vampires, or Star Trek.This paper begins by outlining the characteristics of quality education. The qualities of nontraditional courses that embody quality education are then highlighted. It is concluded that nontraditional courses complement traditional courses and, therefore, should be offered by schools. Nontraditional Courses and Quality Education Quality education equips students with the proper set of knowledge and skills they need to excel in their chosen discipline, commits a holistic approach to learning by considering the theoretical as well as the practical sides of knowledge, aligns itself with contemporary times, and makes learning fun. Students are equipped with the right set of knowledge and skills in nontraditional courses, although it may appear it different form and content. For example, t here are certain disciplines that warrant the teaching of nontraditional courses. In a Television Studies class, for instance, an entire course devoted to " Dallas " and "Dynasty" is deemed necessary. In other instances, cultural, political, and social concepts are best illustrated through these courses. Explaining gender roles or racial identities as demonstrated in â€Å"Dallas" satisfies learning objectives. ... Rock Culture" course, for instance, students readily see how theories of culture, ideology, and ethnicity play out in the seemingly innocent and value-free discipline of music. In studying "Star Trek", students get to learn and immediately apply valuable life lessons the film portrays. By constantly exposing students to these courses, their ability to find theoretical explanations of a phenomenon and apply them in real-life situations would be enhanced. What nontraditional courses offer which traditional courses lack is the attachment to the concrete and immediate realities of life. They are not widely detached from the phenomena or environment they seek to explain. Nontraditional courses, then, offer students a holistic view of the world by combining theory and practice. The most important defining characteristic of nontraditional courses, arguably, is their ability to reflect contemporary cultural, social, and political landscapes. These courses are able to capture specific moments of cultural, social, and political histories. Constantly moving and changing, they are never stuck in the past. These courses use contemporary events to explain contemporary life. A course on "MTV (music television)", which in itself is an amalgamation of contemporary culture and social landscapes, provides students with knowledge that is aligned with contemporary realities. It teaches students a specific set of knowledge while drawing on their own experiences of watching MTV. While traditional courses can practically impart the same knowledge, the attachment of nontraditional courses to the contemporary times makes learning more concrete, practical, and immediate. Finally, nontraditional courses make learning more interesting and fun. Because of their rigid structure, traditional courses

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dreams websites evaluation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dreams websites evaluation - Term Paper Example Dreams are part of a human being’s life.It is said to be products of the subconscious mind, defined and described in numerous ways by experts and those who subjectively experience the dream itself.So much is the impact of dreams to man, that he struggles to remember and find the meaning of such reverie as he awakens. Many have tried to interpret dreams, as these illusions are surprisingly connected between individuals through common objects and events. Two different websites, visited on March 22, 2011, regarding dreams will be tackled in the present paper, evaluating them according to several factors. Websites on dreams As mentioned, the websites visited concern things as dreams and nightmares, finding their meanings and interpreting them. The first site can be found at, Dream Meanings - Interpreting the Hidden Meaning of Dreams, created and maintained by Craig Hamilton-Parker T/A Q.K.E. Ltd. The website is full of materials and multimedia that would aid the Internet user in analyzing his or her dreams. In addition, they have live psychic readings, where the dreamer can choose a specific psychic through the profiles given in a particular section of the website. The other website, Dreams & Nightmares, can be found at No name of the individual or corporation who or that established it is found, but it is hosted by It also has several sections emphasizing on dream analysis, symbols, common instances, et cetera. The author(s) of the text written in the site answer certain dream situations with the emphasis of the dreamer’s â€Å"personal touch,† reminding that the interpretation of each reverie is subjective and relative. It gives links to books that may be purchased if the Internet user wants to read more on a certain topic. Appraisal Dream Meanings has several sections that are easily located. The main page also has a video of Craig Hamilton-Parker, who orients the website visitors of the community he and his team have prepared to help dreamers in finding meanings and interpreting their visions psychologically or spiritually, whether they be common or unusual dreams. Links to several dream videos and articles can be found on the right side of the page, and other resources are also accessible by merely clicking on topics which you want to browse. When opening a specific section, one can see that there are other sets of resources and multimedia available. There are visible ads and psychic reading numbers as well. The website is overall â€Å"visitor-friendly,† with easy to read fonts, font sizes and appropriate colored layout that would not visually strain the visitor. Dreams & Nightmares has less resources compared to the previous site. Sections that deal with interpretation, symbols, et cetera, are also available. The main page is bare compared to the other, comprising only of text explaining dreams and nightmares, with small pictures. The font and font size make the text readable, but its fineness placed on a white background may make it hard to read among website visitors who have visual problems. Promotions of certain books and reading materials that could be purchased online can also be found there. As noticed, the style in the sections are usually the same, where someone expresses his or her dream and the author answers the concern and how the dream could be interpreted according to the context of the dreamer. Generally speaking though, it is not hard to go through the site, but an individual trying to dig the most information he or she can about a certain dream may not be satisfied with the content of the website. Comparison In comparing both sites, I would personally recommend Dream Meanings over Dreams & Nightmares. At first glance, the former appears to be more â€Å"visitor-friendly† than the latter. To those who are deeply bothered by their dreams, Dream Meanings somehow flaunts that it can cate r to their needs. For instance, there are videos that can be watched to help the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Describe, compare and contrast the ethical systems of Hinduism and Essay

Describe, compare and contrast the ethical systems of Hinduism and Confucianism - Essay Example This core belief presupposes a journey of transcendence, of transformation, that ultimately brings the soul to spiritual perfection, or moksha. The idea of the reincarnated soul is intrinsic to Hinduism, which teaches that the atman at long last merges with the great universal soul, or Brahman. Confucianism espouses a more humanistic, temporal view that emphasizes the improvement of human nature through teaching and personal experience. Confucianism is not a Deist religion in the same sense as Hinduism. It is sometimes considered more of a philosophy than a pure religion in the sense that it doesn’t emphasize care of the soul. However, its 6 million adherents have come to regard Confucius as a divine source of wisdom who achieved a form of ideal perfection in his life. Confucianism is a fairly elastic term for a belief system that has been present in China â€Å"from time immemorial† (Sarkar, 1916). In â€Å"Chinese Religion Through Asian Eyes,† Sarkar writes that a man named Confucius was the librarian at Lu and is thought to have compiled, or edited, a classic text in which the ancient Chinese â€Å"Cult of the World Forces† found expression (Ibid). Therefore, Sarkar writes that Confucianism, as it is now known, had actually pervaded China long before Confucius was born. It has since the 5th century A.D. become more like Hinduism in that Confucius himself has been worshipped as a god since that time (Ibid). Confucianism may, in practice, be an intricate system of moral, philosophical and social thought but it has long held the status of a religion in China as Hinduism has for hundreds of millions in India and throughout Southeast Asia. For many, the comparison between the two begins and ends there. Hinduism is, after all, a polytheistic religion with thousands of deities in which reincarnation plays a prominent role. Salvation only comes after the soul is at long last freed from the cycle of birth and death. For adherents of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Romanticism poet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Romanticism poet - Essay Example We might perceive Shelley himself as a bird, constantly on the go, flying, searching for something he could not find at home, looking for his home away from home. His death at the age of twenty nine, drowning during a storm off the Italian coast, also presents his life as that of a bird’s, fleeting yet filled with flight to the heavens themselves, in search of sensuous aestheticism and explorations of intense passions. One of his most famous poems, To a Skylark, speaks exactly of this. The skylark is his greatest natural metaphor for pure poetic expression. The speaker says that no one knows what the skylark is, for it is unique. It is in heavenly harmony with Nature, and its song surpasses everything man made on earth. It is motivated by the joy of that uncomplicated purity of being, it sings unburdened with melancholy or worry. This is what he wants to show to the world: a music unparalleled, in which joy flows like a river of happiness from a â€Å"spirit† of nature, the skylark. He wants us humans to be more like the carefree skylark. Because, the human condition of happiness is always bittersweet. It is always tainted with memories and worrying about the future.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Diplomatic history of the us since 1914 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Diplomatic history of the us since 1914 - Essay Example In other words, cold-war tension was palpable during the war as a result of the United States support of Israel and the U.S.S.R.’s support of its rivals. Richard Nixon (the President) and Henry Kissinger (a senior member of the Nixon Administration) have had significant roles to play in the manner in which the war eventually played out. Both Nixon and Kissinger dealt with the situation in a cautious and diplomatic manner. The Middle-east region offered economic advantages to its trading partners due to the abundant energy resources available in its terrain. More importantly, it is of strategic importance to both the super-powers, as maintaining dominance over the world order is not possible without controlling the region. By the end of the military conflict the cold-war power alignments had been altered. Egypt’s pre-war leaning toward the Soviet Union had weakened as a result of the war. The war also brought to light Syria’s support for Arabs. By the end of the w ar, popular cynicism of the Israel government reached its peak both domestically and internationally, leading to the resignation of top leaders. On a more positive note, it had become the United States’ responsibility to ensure peace in the region; as a result of its increased dependency of resources in the Middle-east. The Nixon Doctrine was presented to the American public on 25th July, 1969 by the then President Richard Nixon. The doctrine had two important components to it – one pertaining to relationship with allies and the other regarding achieving world peace. Nixon stated in his address to the nation that the traditional allies of the United States should defend themselves without the latter’s military involvement. He also set an agenda for achieving world peace through a process of diplomacy. Later in the year Nixon’s explicated his doctrine thus: â€Å"First, the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Reflection Paper final Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reflection Paper final - Assignment Example I believe another issue that makes the writing appealing to me is the candid manner in which Bugbee voices his doubts and uncertainties which I believe is instrumental in describing his wondrous journey of the mind and the heart while not only making him a participant in his own philosophy, but also a witness of his own processes and productions. For purposes of this reflection, I will reflect upon driving to Mexico which I find most interesting and the one that I can best identify with. The first thing that makes me identify with driving to Mexico is that while also driving I tend to let my mind wonder about things I find most pressing and more often than not, I end up agreeing that actually faithful reflection on the experience of things must resist the attenuation of experienced reality which I also believe arises from ignoring concrete realization. As a matter of fact, I can relate my life’s journey with the driving to Mexico as reading the part brings back the sobering experience of the extraordinary difficulty of coming to grips with my own beliefs while also reinforcing my belief that one should not say something that does not arise from what he believes in his heart. When criticizing what he seemed to be doing while driving from Massachusetts down deep to Mexico which made him clarify the basis of his objections, it downed on me that before clarifying the truth behind by doubts and thoughts, it is important that I take my time and deeply reflect upon the issues which would make the reflective concern to which should keep recurring. Greenwood Bugbee in the text makes a profound statement against philosophical certainty and the quest for nothing but the absolute truth. I tend to agree with the author that while it is true that confusion is not necessarily a bad thing, it is actually a natural part of human experience. I agree and believe that indeed the only aspect of life that provokes anxiety is the false notion that there exists a single path for

Saturday, September 21, 2019

To Grade or Not to Grade Essay Example for Free

To Grade or Not to Grade Essay Sweaty hands, racing heartbeat, trouble breathing. These are a few of the things some students may experience right before, or even during a test. Jerry Farber brings some very interesting alternatives to testing and to the whole grading process in an article he wrote called, â€Å"A young person’s guide to the grading system†. (Farber 1969) In A young persons guide to the grading system (Farber 1969) Farber has some radical ideas for change that unfortunately, may not be taken seriously enough to invoke change. Although in my opinion his ideas are certainly something that could benefit many students in many ways. In brief, what Farber says is, instead of grading with A’s and F’s, schools could use something he calls the â€Å"credit system†. He goes on to say â€Å"If you meet the minimum requirements of a course, you get credit for it. No A’s or C’s or silver stars, just credit†. (Farber 1969) The best part of this is if you do not meet the minimum requirements nothing happens. As a student that certainly struggles when it comes times for a test, I would like to see some of his ideas implemented in schools. The way school works now, if you try your best but still don’t meet the minimum requirements of the course, it can greatly affect your grade point average. It can even affect your financial aid or get it taken away completely. Also, students will have to pay again to re-take the class, thus adding more money on to your student loans. What a turn off to learning this becomes. Instead of really wanting to learn, school becomes more of learning only what you have to learn to pass a class. Is this what school is supposed to be about? Only learning what we must? I believe Farbers ideas would certainly make school a lot more stress free, thus opening up the doors to free learning. Looking at this from the point of view of the student who struggles with test anxiety or grades in general, but is very smart and puts forth great effort, Farbers ideas make all the sense in the world. A great number of the jobs in the world today require a college degree when on the job training and apprenticeships would be so much more practical. Is it really a good idea to pay for four years of college, graduate and then get training? I think not. To me it makes perfect sense to skip to the on-the-job training. After all, that’s where we learn the most about the job we are doing. And what about all the money spent on college? Is this necessary? According to the Project on student Loan Debt, â€Å"The average amount of student loan debt was $24,000 in 2010. And the unemployment rate is up for college grads too. Given that the average job for a person fresh out of college was approximately 27,000 a year in 2011, according to an article in the New York Times. (NY Times) Does it make sense to burden our young people with a debt that will take years to pay off? Apprenticeships would be so much more beneficial to people and to the government as well. No more student loans or finical aid! Well, at least not as much money going towards them. High schools may see a decrease in the drop-out rate and could turn out smarter, more confident students with a genuine eagerness to learn. I believe Farbers eagerness to teach his students out-of-the-box may have been the reason for him writing this article. Farber is a professor at San Diego University to me that says a lot. He may have gotten tired of seeing his own bright students not meet the requirements of the school and offered a new solution to the problems of the current grading system. Farber has developed a unique new alternative to the current rigid grading system. Wouldn’t it be a great thing to see a study done in a large university that implemented these ideas? It may work. No one will know until it’s tried and tested. Unfortunately this article was written in 1969 and through my research online I was not able to find a single school that was ever willing to take a chance and give more students the chance to â€Å"learn without restriction†. (Farber 1969) References Farber, J. (1969). A young person’s guide to the grading system. In Baker College composition: A custom approach (Revised Edition) (pp. 184-188). Boston, MA: Pearson. [Grads today]. (2011, January 10). Retrieved January 31, 2013, from economy/19grads.html [Student loan debt]. (2011, April 7). Retrieved January 31, 2013, from

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Challenges Of Organizational Change Management

The Challenges Of Organizational Change Management Organization change management is a process in which you bring and manage changes in an organization for the batter performance of the organization. To improve the quality of out put and find the ways to increase the customers level of satisfaction. Find the ways how to compete the competitors and find the techniques to reduce the cost without disturbing the quality of a product. Significant change in an organization Organization changes are made due to many different reasons which are discussed below. To compete the competitors in market For smooth running of business To increase sale level To introduce new technology To improve the performance of organization While making change you should consider your customer in your mind because sometime your customer do not like changes and that bring negative impact in your organization and sometime company makes so much profit by introducing changes. Only making change in a strategy is not only the thing you companies make the changed strategy perfectly but the fail to implements the strategy and even organization implements strategy very nicely but it fails to control it and cannot have proper check and balance on it. A good strategic manager should also develop a changed strategy and implement and even maintain it without disturbing the quality of the product. Formal and informal organizations There are generally two types of organization formal and in formal. In formal organization an organization follows each and every aspect defined in its mission vision statements, goals and objectives and each and every thing is properly documented and follows all procedures while in informal organization company do make any documented record most of the things are verbally and orally. But formal organization can make good changes and maintain it and can also view the success percentage of changes because all things are written and can analyse easily. Bureaucratic organizations Bureaucratic organization is an organization typified by formal processes, standardization, hierarchic procedures and written communication (1) That means bureaucratic organization is an organization where all powers are assigned to a specific person or department there is a centralized power system and each and every task is done according to described rules all communication should be in writing form. Strengths of Bureaucratic organizations Following are the strengths of a bureaucratic organization All process are controlled by superior management All communication is done in written form Division of work is done according to systematic way All employees knows their duties and responsibilities All process is monitored by authoritative person No chance of communication gap All rules and regulation are pre defined Hierarchy structure Weaknesses of Bureaucratic organizations No innovation proves Too long hierarchy chain Prolong communication No dialogue process Long and delay process Delay decisions Lack of communication among top management and employees Comparison of alternative forms of organizational development Organizational Development Inventions and innovation that are made in an organization for the development are called organizational development. These inventions and innovations are pre planned, and applied in an organization in the systematic way, all strategies which are not showing desired results are studied thoroughly and all aspects that are creating problems in the development of organization are revised and changes are planed and implemented in a systematic way. Different types of Organizational Developments Four main areas which require development of change are discussed below. Human Processes Human process needs changes and developments. Highly skilled workers are the assets for a organization and a successful organization always conduct some training and development programmes for their workers. In an organization workers are categorized into many groups like production team, marketing team, account staff, clerical staff, customer service staff etc. all of them have different trainings programmes. If the workers are divided into groups and changes are made for a particular group they can understand and adopt the changes easily. Structural inventions Structural changes are made for the structure of an organization that means an organization wants to reduce its hierarchal chain for the smooth running of business and smoothly flows of information from one end to another end and also for quick decision where it need keeping in view that quality of product do not disturb some time powers are also assigned to a specific department for the batter performance. Human resource management (HRM) As discussed earlier that human is the basic factor for the success of business the company should review their performance and organise some programmes for their batter performance also give them proper reward because if employees are satisfied they do efforts more for the success of a business. Strategic inventions Strategic innovation is the creation of growth strategies, new product categories, services or business models that change the game and generate significant new value for consumers, customers and the corporation. That means the strategic innovations holistic, multidisciplinary framework that enables organizations to take a strategic approach to innovation. (2) Task 2: System Development Introduction As the time passes the automobile industry need to bring changes in policies and its infrastructure to survive and compete in the international market. Basically automobile industry is a very large industry and there are many brands that available in the market. To survive every automobile industry has to research and introduce new technology and design in every upcoming model. Ford is one of the leading automotive manufacturing companies in the United States. Based in Michigan in 1903 by Henry ford and grew to reach revenue of $150 billion and more than 370,000 employees by 1996 [1]. In the 1970s, the automobile manufacturing industries (General Motors, Ford and Chrysler) was crunched by foreign manufacturers such as Honda and Toyota. In 1999, Ford took steps to compete the foreign market by acquiring the Swedish Volvo model and expanded it to other regions as well. Furthermore, Ford launched a fully organized re-engineering manufacturing process plan called Ford 2000 aiming at re-establishing the infrastructure of the company. The process was to reduce their vehicle centres to only five covering operations which spanned 200 regions. It also meant to cut down redundancies and to require Information Technology (IT) to be the driving force and the link between the Ford centres worldwide. Organisational development against change in automobile industry Human processes Human nature is to react against the change. Automobile industry need to change their human process to achieve change efficiently and effectively. They need to organise the team work for the change. Strategic Planning against the change Automobile industry needs strategic planning to bring the change to survive in the market of the United States. Ford need to plan how to implement change and earn profit from the changes. Stakeholders These are the participants who could be affected by the change process. In automobile industry directors, managers, share holders, transporters, suppliers, government and financing institutions are stake holders. We have to identify stakeholders affected directly or indirectly by the change. And also we have identified the resistances against the change by the stake holders. Purpose of Stakeholders Analysis Main objective of the stakeholders analysis to clarify the following things: To recognise and categorise the main stakeholders being affected by the organizational change To analyse the reaction of stakeholders against change To get the attentions of the stake holders about the change To find out the stake holders who resists and support the change To get the positive response from the stake holders To cooperate with the Stakeholders for implementation of the organizational change Organization Ford Motor Company Organizational Change: Change is to adopt new technology, techniques and policies to survive and compete the market. Stakeholders in Automobile Industry (Ford Motor Company) Stakeholders Description Effecting level Strategic Stakeholders Directors and higher level management define strategies. Highly Affected Managerial Stakeholders Those who help to implement the strategies, Administrative staff. Highly Affected Operational level Stakeholders Those who are actually running the system as an operating system. Highly Affected Directly influenced Stakeholders These are those stakeholders who are directly affected such as directors and admin staff. Highly Affected Indirectly Influenced Stakeholders These stakeholders are not affected directly. Slightly Affected Suppliers The suppliers are highly affected by the change. Highly Affected Customers/Transporters They are highly affected by the change. Highly Affected Resistance against Change After identifying the stakeholders the next step is to work out the resistance against the change. Cultural barrier to change All the systems, techniques and methodologies being used, are very hard to change to the new one. The change in the culture of the automobile industry i.e. Ford could be very hard to understand the new system. Money It is again a vital barrier to change. The change needs more trained people and implementing this change could be very expensive. Especially for the customers, use of new technology will increase the cost of motor for the end user. Willingness of the Stakeholders In this case, the employees could not be willing to accept this change because of it confusing nature, strange methodology and new organization has to face lots of problems for implementing this change. Time Bringing change in short span of time could be very hard and is barrier to change. Above mentioned are the factors which could discourage the Stakeholders to accept this change and it could be very challenging situation for an automobile industry. Task 3: Implementation Appropriate model for change The world today is ever changing moving from one phase to another and only the thing that does not change is change itself. As the modern business environment is propelled by the three Cs namely Customer, Competition and Change, organizations are always looking for new business innovation to salvage their ailing enterprise.. (Hammer and Champy, 1993) One of such solutions that have been identified and used by many companies is the Business Process Re-engineering or shortened as BPR (4) There are many different views about the management of change in an organization but John Kotter has been accepted a change management guru, gave an eight step approach for managing a Change in an organization, leads a great impact of change management effectively and efficiently. Step One Create a situation when the change is required There are two different approaches about changes one is that wait for the market and time there must be a time that others change their strategy and adopt new techniques or technology to compete the marker or earn more profit and there are one more group who make suddenly make a trend of changing develop, and implement changes this group create such situations in the market that all business competitors always think about changes. Ford motors totally change its infrastructure and make such trend that other automobile also adopt it. Discuss the threats about the change While planning a change you should also keep in mind about the threats of changing that your business may face regarding changes. Develop such strategy that can completely overcome the problem of threats. Ford motors wants to cut off their cost and want to also make more customer and sale. It launch web technology and provide all information about their products on the web and it reduce its cost by closing its outlets from many different cities of all over the world. Find out the opportunities You should have to think about the opportunities of the business that either you have to introduce new models or you have to explore new markets. Ford motors find out the opportunities regarding its business by making some changes in the model and also explore some new market by approaching to the developing countries. Explain the more convincing reasons While finding out the opportunities for the business you should have to focus on the opportunity that is suitable for your company and your company can easily afford and adopt it. Ford had launched its plan to update its infrastructure, and seized the opportunity brought by the global movement of integrating the voice, fax transmission network with data transmission and expanded its WAN to include its offices in Europe and elsewhere.(1) Ask about the customer support While discussing about the changes you should be keep in mind the either your customer will support it or not. Make such plans that are also suitable and more convenient for your customer. Step Two: develop a strong Union To make and implement changes ford make a strong union. Ford want to introduce web technology for this purpose it organize and built a very strong team and make user friendly web that also reduces its training cost that everyone can enter information on the web and it also make a team that properly organize and control the data on the web. Step Three: A clear Vision for a Change To make and implement changes you should have a clear mission that what you want to do actually. Your all staff members must know about the actual purpose that what to do and for what to do. Why you are making the changes. Ford motors had a clear mission that it want to make more sales and explore more markets and also compete its competitors and also want to cut off its cost. Step Four: Tell the Vision Once you have decided to make and implement changes and you have a clear mission you should have to tell your vision to your employees and also to your customers. And take view of your employees and your customers as well. All of the ford motors employees were fully aware about the planning and they have complete knowledge about the vision that what they have to do and for what they have to make changes. Step Five: Take out all the Barriers Make changes is not so simple. It is very difficult and there are many barriers that should be removed that can obstacle the way of changes. Ford motors had make such strategy that others cannot copy it and it also owned the Sweden Volvo and also partially owned the Mazda to gain the competitive edge. Its web technology also requires very huge amount that others cannot copy it easily. And ford motors also registered its new innovation. It tried to almost remove many barriers that can obstacle its way during implementing the changes. Step Six: Develop a short-term Wins Develop such strategies that can be implemented and shows result in short term to obtain and determine the progress and success percentage of the strategy. Do not try to make such strategy that needs very long time to show the result. If something goes wrong you can change it easily and short term tasks are also supervised and implemented easily. Step Seven: Move ahead for a Change. After covering above six steps now it is the time to implement the changes. You should have to develop the ways that how to implement the strategies. Each and every aspect should be discussed in briefly for the implementation for the strategy. Ford motors have also worked on each and every aspect that how it will implement the changes to obtain the desired results. It launched the web technology and provides all its data on it and also cut off its outlets from the several regions to save some cost step by step. Step Eight: attach the Changes in organizational Culture The last and foremost step is that how you will justify the changes made by you in your business strategy and how you will support and attach it with your organization culture. While making changes you should have to also concise on the culture of your organization.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Maori Land Issues :: essays papers

Maori Land Issues It^s a known fact that land issues have always been a major topic within Maori and Pakeha race relations in New Zealand. The disputes go back to the 1800 when the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840. According to the second article of the Treaty, land could only be sold to the Crown if the owners wished to sell them. Disputes over the government^s attempts to buy more land at very cheap prices that were below the value of the land was one of the many reasons that led to the New Zealand Wars in the 185os and 1860s. As a result of the wars, under the New Zealand Settlement Act in 1863, 800,000 hectares of Maori land was confiscated by the government as a punishment for those tribes who opposed the government. Bitterness over the land the Maori people lost and sorrow over the people who lost their lives made an ugly scar in the history of race relations in Aotearoa. With the Native Lands Act in 1862 individual purchase of Maori land was allowed. Although the confiscations caused bitterness and resentment among those affected tribes, the work of The Native Land Court led to far more land being lost, and this affected all tribes. The Native Land Court was set up in 1865 with the intention of getting rid of the communal ownerships of Maori land which was called individualisation so it could be sold more easily. The Court had the intended effect: land sales continues at an increasing rate. By 1911 only 10% of New Zealand^s 66 million acres remained in Maori hands. In 1900 James Carroll, the first Maori Minister of Native Affairs, passed a notable piece of legislation: a Maori Land Administration Act which set up a Council which was based on Carroll^s ^taihoa^ (wait and see) delaying policies. In the Council, Maori owners were in majority, to administer the lease of Maori land. The Council leased but sold very little land and this caused settler discontent and in 1905, the Council were replaced by a European dominated Boards. By the end of the Liberal^s time in office in 1912, a further 3 million acres of Maori land had been sold. Also Sir Apirana Ngata worked with James Carrolls on the Maori Councils Act in 1900. After the Act failed to help Maori people, Ngata decided that the best way he could change laws and policies that affected Maori was through parliament. In 1905 he won the seat for Eastern Maori. As an MP Ngata could

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

eli whitney Essay -- essays research papers

Eli Whitney   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before the invention of the cotton gin, Americans would remove cottonseed by hand. Slaves were hired to complete this procedure. This would take a very long time and something had to be done. Later on, a man named Eli Whitney invented a device called the cotton gin. The cotton gin is a machine for removing the seeds from cotton fiber. His invention could produce up to fifty pounds of cotton each day.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eli Whitney was born in Westboro, Massachusetts in the year 1765. As a child, he was very talented in machinery. He worked as a blacksmith and invented a nail making machine. Whitney had a dream to go to Yale College, and worked extremely hard to achieve his goals. He finally got accepted and graduated at the age of 27. When he graduated, he found that there were no jobs in engineering and decided to take on teaching. This also didn’t work out so he stayed on his friends’ cotton plantation. He found that the plantations were soon going to go bankrupt because of the high cost of producing cotton at such a slow pace. Many people realized that a device was ne...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Achieving True Happiness :: Happiness Essays

Happiness is an encouraging feeling, which is influenced by many factors. When Layard states ‘from outside’ he means social identities, roles, cultures and groups people belong to. When Layard states ‘from within’ he is referring to a person’s thinking and feelings. Richard Layard (2005) in an attempt to find out what made people happy identified a list of factors that contributed towards happiness, this included family, close relationships, satisfying work, good health and personal freedom. ‘There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so’ (Shakespeare, Hamlet). This quote suggests that it’s the way people think that makes a situation seem good or bad. For example people who have a glass half full or a glass half empty. They may well both be in the same situation, but the way they think about the circumstances means that one of them will have a positive/ optimistic outlook while the other will have a negative/ pessimistic outlook. Optimists are healthier than pessimists, as they generally worry less, recover quicker and are likely to live longer. This is highlighted by a study carried out by Toshihiko Maruta and colleagues (2002) in which they selected 839 patients who forty years previously had referred themselves for medical care. They submitted themselves for tests which included measuring their optimistic thinking. By the year 2000, 200 of these patients had a 19% greater life span than the pessimists. There are many reasons why people develop a pessimistic or optimistic outlook on life; one of the most apparent reasons being past experiences teaching people to expect very little or a lot from life. Martin Seligman (2005) is known as the psychologist who initiated positive psychology. He got a group of 577 people to write about a time when they were at their best and then told them to reflect on the personal strengths they displayed at the time. The group then had to review this once every day for a week, reflecting on their strengths. He found that the happiness levels of the group increased significantly and stayed increased even after six months. Thus he shows making an attempt to look at the good things in life have a major impact on a person’s happiness. In today’s society the increased level of choice is surprisingly also a source of stress and unhappiness. For example people think they must always make the best decision every time they have a choice to make.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Science Is a Threat to Humanity

SCIENCE IS A THREAT TO HUMANITY 1ST – OPPOSITION Thank you my dear madam speaker. Assalamualaikum and a very good day to the wise and honourable adjudicators, the alert and punctual time keeper, my fellow teammates, the misleading government team and MOTH. Before i start, i would like to refute the definition given by the government team. Now, it is my duty to define the key words of today’s motion.According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, science means knowledge about the world, especially based on examination and testing, and on facts that can be proved. Threat means someone or something that is regarded as a possible danger. Lastly, humanity means the state of being human and having qualities and rights that all people have.So, the full definition of today’s motion is knowledge about the world, especially based on examination and testing and on facts that can be proved is a possible danger to qualities and rights of all people. Now, please allow me to rebut the point given by the Prime Minister. He/She claims said that ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ But that is not true because ______________________________________________________________________________________________________Before i go on with my arguments, i would like to stress that my team mates and i are totally disagree with the motion today that says ‘Science is a threat to Humanity’ and would like to switch this motion to ‘Science is a bless to humanity’ which means knowledge about the world, especially based on examination and testing and on facts that can be proved makes people happy and satisfied in terms of qualities and rights of all people. Now, please allow me to introduce my team mates.I as the first speaker will talk about Science gives major health benefits while my second speaker will further strengthen our team’s stand on this motion by talking ab out Science helps in improving qualities of life and Science improve communication. Last but not least, my third speaker will rebut all misleading points raised by the government team. MOTH, In today’s world, Science is vital in ensuring we live a healthy life. It has major health benefits because as we have the knowledge about the treatments of certain illness and cures are discovered, many lives can be saved.MOTH, If we support Science, we can get the benefits from it. Our lives will be much better because we will be able to find the cures and preventions to diseases. We need to have the knowledge in medical aspect so that all fatal diseases can be cured and prevented. Not only that, by supporting science, we will be able to create better health and medical facilities. We will be able to use drugs that prevent diseases rather than merely treating symptoms and we will have body monitors that warn of impending trouble. MOTH,Can you bear the pain of suffering from diseases suc h as cancer and heart attack all your lives just because you oppose to Science? Through science, we can have modern medicine to relieve suffering even for babies. With science also we can detect diseases in early stage even during pregnancies. In genetic screening, for example, we can monitor the development of embryos to get high quality and healthy babies. If there is any disability or defects, it can be treated in early stage. As we know, embryos might have disabilities that would kill them as newborn babies. If properly treated these people may well live to enjoy healthy lives.If we oppose science, we are actually not helping the babies to be better adults in terms of their health. Not only that. Science helps in improving health condition of human beings because of any accidents or tragedy. With science, we are able to help people who are blind to see the lights and all wonderful things on earth and people who cannot walk to be able to walk again. Isn’t it a miracle? Do you think we will be able to do so without the help of science? I don’t think so my dear government team. MOTH, I am sure i have said enough to convince you that science is not a threat but is actually a bless to humanity.The health benefits that we receive from them are so great that we are able to enjoy life to the fullest and no more worries of critical diseases. So MOTH, once again i restate our stand that we totally disagree with the motion today that says â€Å"Science is a threat to humanity’ as it should be ‘Science is a bless to humanity’. With that i beg to differ. Thank you. SCIENCE IS A THREAT TO HUMANITY 2ND- OPPOSITION Thank you madam speaker. Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the wise and honourable adjudicators, the punctual timekeeper, my fellow teammates, not forgetting the misleading government team and members of the house.As the second speaker, it is my duty to rebut the arguments given by the second minister of the governmen t team. Her/His argument was _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ But i disagree because ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Then he/she also claimed that ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Then, the Prime Minister claims that ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Which i don’t agree because ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MOTH, My first argument is about how science helps in improving the quality of life. As humans, we cannot deny that we need science – the knowledge to make our lives easier. You must remember, without science, you will not know how to get clothes, to build a house or to cook food. The contribution of science can be seen in our everyday lives.Can we think about a life without electricity, cars, telephone, internet, television and thousands of scientific inventions that make our life comfortable? The application of science is indeed a great help in people’s every day routine. For example, people use their refrigerator to keep their food chilled and fresh longer. People use cars, buses and other vehicles the transport themselves from one place to another. They use air conditioners and heaters to help maintain temperature. As we can see, every aspect of life is dependent on science and its application to improve the quality of life.MOTH, We cannot say no to science for all the contributions it brings. With science, we can get latest knowledge and find more discoveries to improve our quality of life. With science also we can get new technology to develop our nation and boost our economy. When our country is developed, only then we can compete with other countries or at least be equal with other countries in terms of social, politics and economy. If we are against science, of course we will be left behind. MOTH, The discoveries in genetically modified food have helped to reduce famine and hunger.In agriculture, the genetics of food are improved to produce bigger fruits which provide more nutrients to all people. This is certainly a great achievement in the field of science where it as able to help the poor countries to fight the problem of hunger among their people. MOTH, Now let’s move on to my second argument that is Science helps to improve communication. Years after years we can see advancement in the communication sector where people on opposite sides of the world are able to stay in touch where before, they would have no possible way to do so, thanks to Science and its application.Today, distance will not be an issue because we can communicate and exchange ideas with people around the wor ld in just a moment. This helps to strengthen the relationship among people. As we all know, the internet keeps us connected. We even can change our ways in solving problems easier and faster through the internet. It also makes our job run fast and more effective. Even entrepreneurs use this medium to do their transactions. The development in many industries right now also is actually because of science and the application of science.There is no barrier to market products and we can compete with other develop countries, thanks again to the miracle of science. MOTH, Do you still remember the 6th Challenge of our Vision 2020? , the challenge of establishing a scientific and progressive society, a society that is innovative and forward looking, one that is not only a consumer of technology but also a contributor to the scientific and technological civilization of the future. Our vision 2020 will not be a reality if we say no to Science. MOTH,

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Effect of Indoor Environmental Quality of a Green Building

THE EFFECT OF INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OF A GREEN BUILDING TOWARDS ITS USER'S/OCCUPANT ‘S LEVEL OF COMFORT LITERATURE REVIEW Green edifices need an attack including consideration towards wellness and well-being of the residents in every facets of the build undertakings, non merely for the single flat unit but for the full edifice, based on a wider context about the environment and the community about. This affair can be a immense attack which need an incorporate thought for the designers, interior decorators, developers and authorities who is responsible in the community planning ( Plass N 2007 ) . Even though we are still in early phase, constructing a sustainable edifice presents is an set up construct with increasing rate of demand in most states where it is supported by authorities in Europe, America, China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Korea. These authorities have been promoted by their several Green Building Councils. In a rate where ages is threatened by the clime presents, there is an increasing demand for energy and resource efficient edifice, but there is besides a demand to construct a healthy and com fy places that is non affected by undue emanations of harmful substances ( Yu CWF 2010 ) , blaze ( PR 2010 ) or deficient lighting ( Lim HS 2010 ) , noise ( Han MH 2010 ) , hot and cold clime ( Daghigh R 2009 ) , where residents can really experience safe, can interact with each other freely and can construct hope for our hereafter. For commercial edifices, there are studies of grounds about the environmentally certified edifices are raising in the facets of personal control, twenty-four hours lighting, thermic comfort, air quality and noise decrease which can increase the productiveness of persons in order for them to make work or concern operation ( Lee YS 2010 ) . Meanwhile this current research is besides about the reappraisal of environmental appraisal strategies based on IEQ issues where it can give a immense impact on the satisfaction degree of residents. ( Browning W 1995 ) have made a study on the multiple pre-post observational surveies which examined the consequence on energy efficient designs on the productiveness of the workers. one of their survey is affecting an energy efficient retrofit to the Main Post Office in Reno, Nevada. A new ceiling was fitted inside the edifice for an betterment of light, temperature, and noise within the scope of mail sorting room. Productivity eventually been reported to hold the consequences in increased of 6-8 % after the retrofit installed. Similar to other single-group pre station survey of this sort, nevertheless, one ‘s demands to be more careful when saying other grounds for the ascertained addition. They besides argue about the issue of coinciding program to better productiveness in clip of the retrofit which they stated that there are none and the productiveness was ever measured. Unfortunately, the graph that they presented merely demo the elevation of the productiveness followed by retrofit. If productiveness was measured as a normal operation, it would be a sourceful information to demo the productiveness informations during the pre-retrofit period. They stated that productiveness that been acquired in Reno Office are higher comparison to other sorters in western part of United States. However, the information for this other offices are non presented. Therefore, the groundss that proves the relationship between energy efficient design and the productiveness in this survey was non strong. Furthermore, the retrofit besides mentioned about lighting, temperature and sound. So, it can be clearly said that there is non possible for imputing the study in the betterment of productiveness from the peculiar alteration, merely retrofit in general. About the same, the 2nd illustration cited by ( Browning W 1995 ) is about the Nederlandshe Middenstandbank. It involved a batch of alteration to the new building- one of it could non be claimed as unique between green edifices, whether the S-curve land program which have gardens, courtyards, eating houses and meeting suites. Along with that it is besides non possible to impute the study that stated 15 % decrease in absenteeism of green characteristics in the new edifice where the characteristics include are twenty-four hours lighting, and natural airing through operable Windowss. The 3rd illustration by ( Browning W 1995 ) was a Walmart Store which had installed fanlights at about the scope of one half of the shop. It was reported that the gross revenues ( per square pes ) was higher than other section which situated in day-lit half. However, the consequences can be given other grounds on why this state of affairs go on between the two groups of section. ( J 2000 ) had done a reviewed literature on the subject of green edifices and the resident ‘s productiveness. One of the survey that he cited is research from ( Browning W 1995 ) . Another one is from ( A 1999 ) where he concluded that comfort and productiveness that can be seen is higher in a edifice where residents have control over ambient status and where the edifice provide both natural and air conditioning. All of this research really have the same decision. ( Menzies D 1997 ) concluded that the productiveness was increased by 11 % ( if comparison with controlled groups ) for the workers that have been given full control over the entire and way of the air flow in their work infinite. ( Brager GS 1998 ) reported that there is a relationship between personal control in environmental conditions, particularly temperature and airing, and work public presentation. However, ( Brager GS 1998 ) besides noted about the research from ( Preller L 1990 ) which shows absenteeism that were related with Sick Building Syndrome ( SBS ) should be 34 % lower if the employees were giving full control over the temperature and airing. This state of affairs had produce a nexus between green edifice and productiveness which become the go-between for air quality and SBS beside comfort. From this, guided by the relationship between green edifice and IEQ ( for illustration comfort ) , it can be said that the existing cogent evidence is really weak and if there is a nexus, it is said that it was attributed to personal control on the ambient conditions. This sort of affair should be given an attending to look into whether or non soothe relates to satisfaction. In a reappraisal of environmental psychological science, ( Sundstrom E 1996 ) had underline twosome of theories which guided the research on dealing between human and physical environment subjects including the workplace. In these theories are arousal, environmental burden, emphasis and version, privateness ordinance, transactional attack, and ecological psychological science and behaviour puting theories. Hypothesis for rousing is to foretell the optimal satisfaction and public presentation while under the status of moderate rousing. This had given an sentiment on how temperature, sound and lighting can act upon the satisfaction degree and public presentation through psychosocial rousing. On overload hypothesis, people is considered holding a limited capacity to treat stimulations and information and predicted that we confront them with an overload, for illustration noise overload, where we choose in advancement for incoming information and disregarding the low-priority inputs. The research in environmental emphasis and version had recognized the relationships between temperature and sound with physiological and psychological emphasis ( for illustration chronic unwellness, and psychological impairement ) and confronting adaptative behaviours to cut down the effects/ emphasis. ( Sundstrom E 1996 ) stated empirical find in general is consistent with this hypothesis. ( Vilnai-Yavetz I 2005 ) proposed that office interior decorators should denounce the three separate rule which is the instrumentality, aesthetics and symbolism. Instrumentality is about the phase where physical property of an office supported their needful activities. Aestheticss refer to the beauty of the office. The survey besides province about the research that discover ‘beautiful ‘ suites ( as opposed to ‘ugly ‘ suites ) have a important difference on consequence to the perceptual experiences and emotions non numbering for short/long term. The 3rd rule is symbolism, which refer to the relationships that created by a infinite. the author found difference statistically between these two rules, that is instrumentality and aesthetics and occupation satisfaction and public presentation. Large part of all of the undertakings that residents in offices been through demands mental labor comparison to physical labor, where it relates with the office environment that should be more related to comfort. Furthermore, decline of interior environment will cut down the degree of capacity of the residents, where it will do the reduction of productiveness and increasing the emphasis degree. So, maintaining a better office is really important. ( Brasche S 2001 ) . As the sum-up, beside of all these groundss are still blur, there are a few of character that can be categorized as alone, or at least more common towards green constructing that have been linked to the quality of the indoor environment. Besides that, there are groundss which can associate comfort with characteristics that grant personal control towards temperature and airing. Furthermore, there are cogent evidence on how comfort is associating to workplace satisfaction. The purpose of this survey is to prove a statement, ( 1 ) green constructing create more comfy infinite ( 2 ) better comfort will steer to a higher overall satisfaction. This statement will be trial with methods of understanding the IEQ i a green edifice and how it act upon the comfort and satisfaction perceptual experience of the residents. Green edifice in this research is a edifice that situated in the locality of a metropolis in Malaysia, where Malaysia is celebrated for typical tropical clime. The variable of th e clime in Malaysia is non based on the temperature or air force per unit area but rainfall. In general, the clime in Malaysia can be describe where its coastal field temperature averaging 28 °C. With this type of clime, it will be a alone chance for this type of survey to see the mode of the IEQ of green edifices in Malaysia react to their resident ‘s degree of comfort. A, L. ( 1999 ) . UK survey links productiveness to airing systems. HPAC Magazine. 71. Brager GS, d. D. R. ( 1998 ) . â€Å" Thermal version in the reinforced environment: a literature reappraisal. † Energy and Buildings 27: 83-96. Brasche S, B. M. , Bronisch M, Bischof W ( 2001 ) . â€Å" Eye and tegument symptoms in German office workers. † Int J Hyg Environ Health 203: 311-316. Browning W, R. J. ( 1995 ) . Greening the bottom line: increasing productiveness through energy efficient design. In: Second international green edifices conference and expounding. Gaithersburg, MD, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Daghigh R, A. N. , Sahari BB ( 2009 ) . â€Å" Ventilation parametric quantities and thermic comfort of of course and automatically ventilated offices. † Indoor Built Environ 18 ( 2 ) : 113-122. Han MH, J. M. , Oh YK ( 2010 ) . â€Å" Residential and acoustic environments perceived by occupants of regional metropoliss in Korea: a instance survey of Mokpo metropolis. † Indoor Built Environ 19 ( 1 ) : 102-113. J, H. ( 2000 ) . â€Å" Green edifices, organisational success and occupant productiveness. † Building Research & A ; Information 28 ( 5/6 ) : 353–367. Lee YS, G. D. ( 2010 ) . â€Å" Indoor environmental quality differences between office types in LEED-certified edifices in the US. † Building Environ 45 ( 5 ) : 1104-1112. Lim HS, K. G. ( 2010 ) . â€Å" Predicted public presentation of shadowing devices for healthy ocular environment. † Indoor Built Environ 19 ( 4 ) : 486-496. Menzies D, P. J. , Nunes F, Leduc J, Chan C-H ( 1997 ) . â€Å" Effect of new airing system on wellness and wellbeing of office workers. † Archives of Environmental wellness 52 ( 5 ) : 360-368. Plass N, K. I. 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A Strategic Report on Emirates Airlines Essay

It is important to study of any business, particularly in a global environment of rapidly changing contexts. In this regard, there are several core strategies that management need to consider and monitor in reviewing the ongoing performance of their business. In order to respond to change effectively, management must regularly assess its efficiency in several different areas of the performance of within company life. Management strategists need to identify their competitive advantages, properly position themselves and clearly identify their competitiveness in the marketplace. Therefore, management must constantly analyse and respecify their business objectives as well as setting new strategic goals to keep up their operations in a dynamic environment. Airlines Industry We live in a global world that is more interconnected than at any time in history. In combination with enormous changes to the communications industry and the rapid spread of information via the Internet, the world constantly experiences 24 hour a day movement of data, goods, services, and people traveling every corner of the world in less than one day. As quoted by Oxford Economics, â€Å"every day in the skies above us; our globalized world has long been woven together by a web of flights, creating ever-expanding social and economic networks across the planet†. (Aviation: The Real World Wide Web 2008, p. 7). In 2011, for example, airlines transported 2. 8 billion passengers and 47. 6 million metric tons of air cargo and actively connected the world’s cities with 36,000 routes. (The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013, p. 7). In addition to the transport of goods, business travel has also grown as companies become increasingly internationally focused. As a result, airline industry is a strategic sector having a crucial role in other industries globalization. According to The airline industry, the outlook for the air travel industry is one of strong growth, but it will not be without challenge. Those airlines that would be able to deal with their cost and enhance their product would be successful. An example of the market threats for airlines was seen in 2009, when airline businesses faced global economic downfall and overall industry-wide losses of $9. 4 billion caused by high oil prices, long global recessions, falling demands, fierce price-cutting, collapsing yields revenue per mile and low consumer confidence. A result, the demand for air travel decreased, and the market contracted resulting in global bankruptcies and necessary shrinkage in networks and service levels. Although Emirate Airlines faced the same challenges as other airlines, it performed remarkably well against prevailing industry norms despite the worldwide increasing contraction (Nataraja & Al-Aali 2011, p471). This case study will further explore the strategies competitive advantages used by Emirates management team to perform in such a competitive market. Emirates Airlines Samthomasuae ‘s weblog post (2011) covers that Emirates Airlines, known as Emirates, is part of the Emirates Group which has become a reputation for aviation, travel and tourism. The group is owned by the Dubai Government. Emirates is connected to all continents in the world with one hundred and twenty destinations over six continents. Therefore, with more than 50 business units and associated firms, Emirates is one of the largest employers in the Middle East. Emirates is the seventh largest in the world based on the number of carried international passengers, and fourth largest in the world in terms of scheduled international passenger kilometre flown. Within the first 11 years of operation, it has doubled its size every 3. years (Nataraja & Al-Aali 2011, p485). History Emirates started its business in 1985 with two aircrafts, a Boeing 737 and an Airbus 300 B4, with start-up capital of $10 million. Emirates made history by generating of profit within nine months of operations, and It went on the further develop its international routes by adding new destinations such as Bombay, Colombo, Dhaka and Cairo. The result of this bold expansion strategy was that within two years, Emirates had added European destinations including the key city of London, as well as several other new key European destinations. The success of the global strategy of Emirates is not due to the fact that the airline is wholly owned by the Government of Dubai, or because they have received inadvertent government protection but is clearly a case study in the implementation of a successful global competition strategy, in particular taking advantage of Dubai’s open-skies policy which enables Emirates to benefit from the liberalization of international aviation rules and regulations. Emirates, therefore, received initial start-up investment from the Government of Dubai, but it now successfully operates as a wholly independent business entity. Emirates successfully carried 35 million passengers by 2012, representing 50% of total airport capacity (emirates. n. d. ). Emirates market share among regional competitors According to Articlebase weblog post (2010) Emirates Airlines has developed to become highly reputable in the Asian Pacific Continent. The company has pulled itself up very well in the region and as seen from the figure 1, it is the most successful company in the region. Figure 1-Emirate region market share Emirates financial highlights According to Emirates annual report (2013), Emirates revenue (including operating costs) in 2012-13, reached US$19. billion, representing a 17. 4% increase over the financial year of 2011-12. Net profit was US$622 million, reflecting the enormous impact that fuel prices continue to exert on the airline industry. Emirate airlines reported that their profit margin was 3. 1% and the companies’ cash in hand at the end of financial year 2012-13 was US$6. 7 Billion. The company also reports that more people continue to choose Emirates with the number of passengers flown in 2012-13 totalling 39 million, a 16% increase over the previous financial year. Figure 2, Emirate financial highlight/Source: Emirates Annual report 2013 Key Success Factors in the airline industry In order to be successful in the airline industry, various factors such as differentiation, alliances, strong brand name and relation with suppliers are needed to be considered. Differentiation Airlines tend to be differentiated by offering advanced services. For instance, latest technology, e-ticketing and wide seats which may distinguish the company among other competitors. Strong brand name Airlines build a strong brand name by means of different techniques like ffering prizes, frequent flyer programs. Alliances The airlines tends to establish alliances which enable them to share their resources through linking their network. it also helps them to share experiences which result in lower operating cost. â€Å"The Emirates has never joined to any cargo or passenger alliances as they see some anti-competitive elements in them and would be a brake on Emirates business plan. † (The public affair journal of emirates, 2009). the only recent partner of emirate is Quantas from Australia. Relations with supplier Airlines need to have long term contract with the suppliers to keep them safe in case of increasing prices. Environmental analysis of Emirates Macro Environmental Analysis PESTEL analysis of Emirates PESTLE analyse focuses on external factors and gives a strategic overview of the various macro-environmental factors that the company needs to take into account, the PESTEL analyse has been conducted on Emirates. The PESLE analyse is also a useful strategic tool to interpret market growth or decline, business position, potential, and direction for future operations. Political  Emirates and most of the countries in the Asian continent have signed inclusive business agreements as well as with several countries in the Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the USA. Such relationships facilitate better political cooperation and trade opportunities between countries, including the growth of the aviation sector. These agreements have opened up several world markets and provided opportunities for Emirates to grow its network. Emirates is strengthened by the support of the Government of Dubai by providing infrastructure developments to boost the growth of Dubai and Emirates. Low fees and charges at Dubai Airport; same opportunities for all the air carriers provided by the open skies policy; the low taxation policy encouraging the companies and businesses which boost the economy in Dubai; and the easy immigration legislation of Dubai Government enabling companies to secure entry visas and work permits for foreign workers to fulfil their labour requirements are other beneficial policy for Emirates. In contrast, a potential problem for Emirates is the ongoing political instability in the  Middle East region which has the potential to hinder for the further growth of Emirates. (Nataraja & Al-Aali 2011, p482). Economic The sustainable rate of a growing economy in the region, in particular the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has increased the overall level of household income and affordability of people to use air transportation. About 3. 5 billion people are living within the radius of eight hour flight from Dubai and , therefore, such a huge financially stable population generates an ever- increasing demand for air travel in the region. There is an exceptional shift in the aviation market demand, customer choices, and travel behaviour that is changing rapidly which has been evidenced by Nataraja et al (2011, p483). The reason Emirates has experienced phenomenal rise over the past few years is that the regional governments are streamlining their economic policies to suit the growth of the airline industry. This has reflected in growth rates, overall income and potential investments in Dubai among other companies in the tourism industry and the world business.   social  Nataraja et al (2011, p483) state that well-designed strategic management system is sound in the Emirates Company, but this could be compromised if attention is not given to personnel development in the organization. Personnel issues are adversely affecting airline businesses globally and employees are becoming increasingly aware of their high market value and potential. An abundance of multicultural workforce having lower expectation in the region in which Emirates operates is a social advantage in comparison to the expectations of employees from countries namely the USA and UK, Emirates experiences a significant difference in labour costs. Most of the organizations in the UAE are using only 10 precent of their operating expenses to pay their employees and this trend includes Emirates, in comparison to more Westernized businesses which use up to 40 precent of their operating expenses for the same purpose. Consequently, the Airline has benefited extensively and made good profits on these grounds. Technology In response to the advances in technology over the past two decades, Emirates has been able to take the advantage of technology in its operation. Since Emirates has spread its wing globally to serve diverse customers who require global technology, it has invested more resources to place each individual market. Emirates is benefiting from a single global system that is distributed in 14 languages which supports payments in 42 currencies. (Nataraja et al,2011, p483). As it is demonstrated in figure 1, Emirates is interestingly positioned as the youngest and most modern fleets in worldwide commercial aviation industry. The company aims to be a pioneer in technological advances such as in-flight mobile phone coverage to develop and expand the use of mobile phones on-board. Figure 3 , comparison of Airlines’ average fleet age Emirates airlines has also invested in a trip planning system which allows the planning of trips that aim to achieve of time savings and fuel led which lead to obvious costs savings but also reduced emissions. Implementation of this new technology, called Flextracks, saves approximately 10 million liters of fuel as well as 772 hours in travel time in five years of operation. atwonline, 2011) Emirates airline has also recently used the latest airbus 380 aircraft which is known to be environmentally friendly because it consumes less fuel. Technology utilized by provides many time consuming benefits such as the development of online ticket purchase which increases customer convenience and satisfaction and the likelihood of repeat business. Environment Organizations have various obligations to formulate and implement strategies from an environmental perspective. Increasing numbers of firms are implementing tougher environmental regulations as they make economic sense because of conservation of natural resources and air pollution control in the region. They preserve and conserve natural resources and control pollution in the region making good sense from a cost saving perspective as well as a public relations perspectives(Nataraja & Al-Aali 2011, p484). Emirates reports a vision to make their company an environmental leader in the aviation and travel industries with a goals to make sustainable and eco-efficient operation in the air and on the ground. Interestingly, as part of a global trend towards environmental consciousness, Emirates considers their customers, staff and regulators to be increasingly aware of the environment and emission of greenhouse gases and the company has , therefore, committed to environmentally-responsible operations through the Group’s Environmental Policy. This policy is implemented through the ‘Environment’ programme (Emirates environment policy,2013) , which is communicated to customers, staff and stakeholders. The company also reports different environmental considerations to be advantageous from a business perspective because becoming an ecologically-efficient organisation enables them to become economically sustainable, when it comes to consumption of fewer resources and whilst using fewer resources and causing less pollution. These strategies in turn, reduce labour and overall company expenses. Legal In the past, most governments within the Asian continent and in the Asia-Pacific region operated under a paternal government policy and felt that they had to protect airlines against external factors. The recent changes in the economic policies of these governments have allowed airlines to compete more openly having their own economic model without worrying about government hindrances in order to preserve their competitive advantage. In addition, less government control allows the company to operate more freely in the region with less legal impediments in the region resulting in a positive growth and an exceptional performance (Nataraja & Al-Aali 2011, p484). Emirates-porter’s five forces Porter’s 5 forces model is used by businesses to evaluate the environment that a company is competing in. Strategies implemented by Emirates also are a function of environment in which it operates. (Elnamaki, MSS 2007). By using Five Forces Analysis we are able to identify who are the Emirates competitors and where are potential threats; which aspect in Emirates should be improved and focused on; and to analyse whether Emirates and its industry is attractive or destructive. Threat of new entrant There are many barriers that dissuade new entrants in the airline industry. Enter to the market depends on how many barriers exist. Airlines high capital cost positively affect Emirates Airline. Strong brand value is critical to compete. Emirates is a high brand value that cannot be copied because it is a long time it has been operating, and markets heavily depend on its services. Advanced technologies are kind of barrier for a new entrant as they need to develop and implement them before effectively competing Based on Emirates loyalty programs, customers are loyal to Emirates. Building a value brand needs money and time and it uses resources which not to be allocated to compete in the marketplace. Based on the above factors the threat of new entrant is weak. The bargaining power of customers Due to buyer price sensitivity, it is difficult to compete with competitive prices of budget carriers but Emirates compensates by offering world class food, services, comfort and in-flight entertainment, world class service, A380 aircrafts, choices of menu for the elite class, its own private terminal, and non-stop direct flights to various routes including some of the world’s longest non-stop direct flights. I suggest that this power is moderate.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Can Money Buy Happiness

In our society, people often put great emphasis on materials and possessions. Many believe that having more money would make them happier in life; but does money really provide true happiness? Having the money to provide food, clothing, and shelter is essential for everyone’s well-being and happiness, but after those basic needs are fulfilled more money just offers materials not necessarily happiness. There are many ways I think money does buy happiness. Money increases quality of life which in turn buys happiness. This is only true if one lives within his means, lives a modest life style and pursues happiness the right way. I think most people believe happiness is bought in a store. People overestimate how much pleasure they’ll get when they buy something luxurious. We really don’t need all these extravagant luxuries around us. Are they necessities to life? Are they just things to show your vanity? Or are they just trying to keep up with the Jones’s? In today's materialistic world, the phrase that ‘money can't buy happiness' is tending to be proved hence otherwise. Social research and surveys have shown results based on an individuals income, health and the political scenario which is dominant in his or her region. It is quite obvious that the gap between the privileged and the not so is growing into a great divide giving rise to different class and status, thus defining ones social circle. It should therefore be understood how an individual’s economic status affects their personal happiness throughout all aspects of life. Many tend to refer to this age-old quote especially when they tend to belong to sector of people who can't afford the modern day luxuries of life. What they do not realize is that money, might in fact do just that, buy happiness. On the other hand, those who have pockets as heavy as themselves think that money Is nothing but a burden and a complication in life, which is too networked to figure out. First of all, a comfortable life can be brought if we are rich. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see people complain about their low standard of living. The low educated groups always have to worry about their living. They may worry about losing their jobs as they always work as low skilled workers. Their jobs are not stable at all. They may not be able to cope with their daily lives, let alone being happy. Under such circumstances, money can buy happiness. If they have got more money, they no longer have to worry all the time. The idea of money buying happiness is interesting. Yes, most people feel they do need more money to be happy, but what is that â€Å"happiness† they are speaking of? If that idea means owning newer appliances than before, then money can buy you happiness. If that idea is going out to eat dinner more often, then money can buy you happiness. But, if happiness is truly living one's life to the fullest, then money cannot buy happiness. People know that this idea of happiness is materialistic and shallow, and they are quick to point it out in others, but cannot see it in themselves. Money cannot buy happiness, unless happiness is measured by possessions. Happiness from money is very short lived. While the happiness of people who receive large sums of money might rise immediately after they receive that money, that happiness declines to only slightly above or equal to their level of happiness before the money came to them. Different people have different beliefs of what happiness really is. However, money is often the bane of happiness, as is evidenced that affluent societies are often considerably more unhappy than poorer (not necessarily poverty stricken) countries. This is a sign that too little, or too much money is not a good thing. A balance needs to be struck between earning money and more fulfilling activities. This is because happiness is not a state to be ‘achieved’ but a virtue, and all happiness is relative. Happiness is a virtue. Happiness cannot be ‘achieved’ or ‘attained’ through earning money. Money can be seen as the opposite of happiness. The rich often wield power, due to their wealth, which in turn corrupts their morals.

Friday, September 13, 2019

International Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

International Accounting - Essay Example As the first step, the fourth and seventh company law directives obliged the companies and group of companies to prepare accounts on a harmonised basis (Accounting Harmonisation). The main aim of the IASB/IASC was to overcome the international trade barriers arising out of different national laws. As Akyuz, Bulca, and Mustafa (n.d.) opine, the IASB/IASC thought that accounting harmonisation process would bring coordination in accounting procedures across the Europe and subsequently it would lead to the establishment of a single market. In order to harmonise the international accounting practices as a whole, the IASB/IASC firstly gave emphasis on the community law harmonisation. It is essential to note that a harmonisation programme at community had not been experimented until IASB/IASC did it. Forex News (2010) reflects that the accounting harmonisation process had been mainly practiced through policies which might drive member states to achieve the proposed objectives. Similarly, th e multinational companies were facing troublesome challenges to prepare coordinated financial statements at the end of the year since they might have branches across the globe and each branch would have distinct accounting practices in accordance with respective nation’s law. ... As a result of these differences in opening and closing of financial periods, IASB/IASC faced cumbersome difficulties in launching the proposed harmonization process simultaneously across the Europe. Heterogenic accounting philosophies prevailed in different countries were some other barriers which the IASB/IASC had to deal with. In the opinion of Fritz and Lammle (2003) some specific environmental factors play crucial role in moulding the accounting practices of each country and these factors vary from country to country. In most parts of Europe, professional accounting organisations did not have the authority to fix accounting standards; it was completely left to the choice of governmental authorities. Likewise, the vague interpretations and ineffective supervision of IAS/IFRS caused further problems toward the harmonisation process. They could not ensure the convergence of various interpretations of standards. It can be seen that height of IASB’s aims also adversely affecte d the effectiveness of IASC/IASB. It targeted the formulation of a single global market with common accounting practices in its premature stage and it seems to be highly challenging. Similarly, acceptance of IAS/IFRS at SEC was a major challenge to IASC/IASB. Moreover, national standard-setter, governments, and companies tried to influence the operations of IASB in order to defend their own interests. Support from IOSCO and IFAC International Organisation of Securities Commission (IOSCO) is the security regulators’ organisation that represents more than 80 countries and it works for enhancing cross border capital accumulation. Similarly, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) aims at initiating of a world-wide